The Steven
This thing is fixin' awesome. It was an instant decision - even at almost $200USD, and that's rare for me. Lawrence is getting more and more tactical, and I really hope he doesn't stop. This unit is crying out for elbow guards or more - but it's an amazingly complete "look" as it is. I'm planning on modifying it slightly to attach my add-on thigh pockets on the left and right since I find those next to useless with all of the terrific pockets on my FBRC pants.
It's consistent with the rest of the FBRC line. Very, very hunky and relatively easy to adjust.
Well constructed for the fashion vest that it is. I would not try to use this for anything other than looking cool. I would be especially wary of wearing the complete unit at a shopping mall. This thing is going to get you noticed, and law enforcement *will* wonder where your AR-15 is or what other weaponry you might have. Wearing this - especially with all of your other black FBRC goodies, will make you look a bit more threatening than your usual run of the mill techwear enthusiast.
Some assembly required - it would likely be useful to include a small note with a diagram explaining how to thread the various buckles and perhaps an exploded view of what goes where. There are a lot of straps. A _lot_ of straps!
The arm guards would have benefited from the use of some sort of buckle or velcro on the straps to enable easier donning and doffing so that one doesn't have to thread their arms through the arm guards like they're sleeves. Easy to get things all twisted up.
The neck guard attachment would benefit from buckles or velcro in front. As it stands, if you want to be complete you have to thread the front buckles every time. This should be a temporary attachment point. After getting everything adjusted - and it's probably meant to be loose - I found that I could attach all of the other straps to the main vest and then pull the guard over my head like it was a hoodie. It really completes the look.
Finally, a bit of a miss: no velcro for unit or moral patches. Or even the cool FBRC 3D PVC patches that match the rest of the line's graphical theme that would be uber cool for Lawrence to add to the accessories section. At the very least, there should be a great big honkin' rectangle of black velcro on both arm guards. I'm hoping to find someone that can add that for me.
Otherwise - I could not be happier. Really made my day on top of getting my Form 1 approval email this morning as well. :-)
Picture? Maybe I'll update this after I get my mods done. This vest begs for mods. It will be fun to see if the community comes up with more than I've already suggested!
Thanks FBRC - this a real win, with hope for more than just a limited release. Everyone should have one!!!