Jeff O.
This jacket is so sick and it is everything I hoped it would be. Top quality and very strong Night City vibes. I had my eye on the FotU bomber jackets for a while, but it was this one with the cargo sleeves that pushed me over the fence. I haven't seen anything else like it. The jacket is very comfortable and feels durable and well-made. For sizing reference, I am 6'2", about 200 lbs., semi-athletic build. I wear size L t-shirts from pretty much every clothing company. For this jacket, I got a size XL and it ended up fitting perfectly. Size L would have been too small. If I had to come up with a gripe it would be that the sleeves are a tiny bit short on me, but that is pretty normal for me with jackets since I am taller than average. It doesn't bother me and I like the look of this jacket with the sleeves pushed up anyway. Hoping for some cool nights here in Los Angeles so I can wear this thing as often as possible. Fully badass product!!!